Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rewire, Regain, Refocus, Renew: Menopause a Different Way!

Many women experience changes in their bodies in their 40s and 50s that seem to impact every part of their lives. They tell us they don’t feel like themselves. They tell us about unexplained weight gains, hot flashes, loss of interest in sex and forgetfulness. All of this is new – and very unwelcome. For many women, they believe there is only one choice: endure it and put up with a new normal. In years past it was called “The Change.” We believe in changing the way women experience “The Change”.

Are you suffering from hormone imbalance?

Take a look at this list and check which ones describe you and how you feel:

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Lack of Interest in Sex
  • Loss of Muscle Tone
  • Loss of Memory
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats

If you checked two or more, chances are you’re experiencing the impact of menopause. You are not alone. For many women, there is a great solution: Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Isn’t all HRT the same?

In a word: NO.  Let me explain:

For many years I have struggled to balance the controversies regarding hormonal therapy with the significant and life disrupting symptoms suffered by women with hormonal imbalance. Not only do the symptoms negatively impact a woman’s life, the health concerns from hormonal imbalance are just as significant. For years, the only option has been pharmaceutical HRT.  Pharmaceutical drug therapies often are not bio identical, offers a one size fits all approach and provides hormones in a non-physiologic way.  Women’s bodies are not designed to receive huge bolus doses of hormones at once but rather slow constant release of small amounts of hormones based upon the bodies physiologic activity at the time.  I thought there had to be a better way to approach the problem and the solution.

A totally different approach.

I have found a therapy option that I feel to be safe and extremely effective to help women suffering from hormonal issues. SottoPelle Therapy® is an all-natural bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. (Often, women have heard about bio-identical HRT through TV talk shows and assumed it was a “Hollywood Thing.” It’s not.) SottoPelle therapy is administered with a pellet that allows for a continual release - the key to improving brain and muscle function. The method isn’t new. There’s more than 70 years history of its use in England and Australia. Other delivery methods result in sporadic, or a “roller coaster,” effect in the delivery and release of hormones within the body. These methods include pills, patches, injectables, and creams.

In addition, with SottoPelle, the dose for each woman is calculated based on specific factors about her and her blood analysis. This results in achieving physiologic hormonal balance - something research has shown is absolutely vital to good health and well-being. Of all hormonal replacement modalities, only pellet therapy can provide this balance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Isn’t the "Change of Life" (menopause) natural?

Yes. It is very natural. Menopause occurs when the ovaries are deplete of the follicles that produce female hormones. It is usually marked in women by the cessation of menstruation.  The symptoms of menopause - hot flashes, loss of sex drive, decreased energy, loss of concentration insomnia, and vaginal dryness - can start 8-10 years before menopause actually starts. This time period before menopause is called Peri-Menopause. So, in most women the symptoms of menopause will start 8-10 years BEFORE menopause actually starts and continue 5-10 years AFTER menopause starts. Busy women with active and healthy lives can have significant disruptions in their life for upwards of 20 years!! Yes Menopause is natural, but so is appendicitis, cancer or diabetes. No one would ever suggest that these natural processes should not be interrupted by modern medicine.  Likewise a women suffering from the symptoms of menopause deserves help.

The goal is to help women suffering from the symptoms of menopause to live a better life.  It’s about providing the right care at the right time for the right patient.  Women going through menopause without significant symptoms do not need therapy.  However for those with lifestyle disruptions, therapy can be a quality of life saver.  One of my favorite quotes from a patient was “I went from existing to living”.  That quote summarizes the point so succinctly.

Why exist when you can LIVE!

SottoPelle Bioidentical Subcutaneous Pellet therapy is just one way to help achieve this.  Achieving proper hormone balance together with proper nutrition and exercise is the key to aging gracefully for women.  It rewires your desire, regains your focus and refuels your drive.  We are pleased to offer this option at Minnesota Women’s Care.  Get the facts.  A new life is a consultation away.

Melvin Ashford, M.D.